Guide for Authors

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously in other magazines. Upon receipt of the article by the Editorial Office, the copyright is transferred to the Publisher (Editorial Office), which now has the exclusive right to use the work, dispose of it and reproduce it by any technique, including electronic, and dissemination. The article may not be reproduced in any form or translated without the consent of the Publisher (Editor). The Publisher does not pay the author's fee for publishing scientific-research works. The scientific publication is printed after a positive substantive assessment of the article, confirming the importance of the research and analyzes carried out and the originality of the material.


The article should be delivered to the Editorial Board in electronic form (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as an attachment to the e-mail. You should expect confirmation of its receipt by the Editorial Board (with the registration number of the registered article). If the Author doesn’t receive such confirmation, please contact the Editorial Office after 2 weeks regarding the submitted article. The A4 printout should have a normalized number of lines and characters per line (32 lines with approx. 80 characters per line). One line spacing should be kept between lines, Times New Roman font size 13 points. The volume of scientific articles should not exceed 4-5 pages of such standardized typescript, including tables, drawings, formulas and list of references. In the case of review articles exceeding this volume, printing will be possible after agreeing with the Editorial Board. In the text, you can mark those elements or fragments that need to be particularly highlighted (in italics, bold or in color). Footnotes supplementing and explaining the basic text should be written at the bottom of the page on which they appear. Moderation in the use of footnotes is recommended.

The summary should be clear and concise. Three or four sentences expression of the most important thoughts of the article should written in an impersonal form.

Formulae and equations should be written very legibly. Greek letters should be described in the margins (e.g. β - beta). The number '0' and the capital letter 'O' should be clearly differentiated. The notation of powers and indices should be particularly legible. Formulas and equations (chemical, mathematical, physical) should be prepared with special editors (e.g. ChemWin, ISIS Draw 2.2) and saved in a commonly used graphic format (e.g. tiff, gif, jpg). Units of the International System of Units of the SI should be used in the formulas and in the text. Units in tables and drawings should be given after the decimal point, not in parentheses.

The title and headings should be as short as possible, concisely capturing the content of the article or chapter. The headings should be numbered and their type may also be marked in the margins (e.g. 1st order, 2nd order, 3rd order).

Tables, captions under drawings and drawings, illustrations (in the order listed) should be outside the text, and the proposed burglary places should be marked on the margin of the text printout or its content. It is recommended to combine the results of measurements or various properties in tabular form. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. The table title should be above the table. The abbreviation "tab." Is not used neither in the title nor in the text of the article (if there is only one table in the article, "1" should not be entered). The tables should not be too extensive. It is desirable that they fit in the width of the column or print column (base 8.5 cm or 17.5 cm). The tables should indicate those headings that should be highlighted by color. Signatures are placed under the drawings. All charts, drawings and photographs are called drawings and are numbered consecutively (if there is only one drawing, do not enter "1"), giving the name of the Author on each name. After the abbreviation Fig. enter the number of the drawing or photo, the title and then the markings used in the illustration. If the signs have been explained in the text, the words 'the signs have been explained in the text' should be entered. The drawings should be optimally detailed, because all are printed in black and white. The descriptions of the drawings given next to the x, y axes should be capital letters, and the unit after the decimal point (without square brackets), e.g. Mass, g. Elements of the drawings should be described with symbols (caps), and the symbol symbols should be moved to the signature. Describing the drawing in full text is permissible only if it has a valid substantive justification. This is conditioned by the editorial effort of the drawing to fit on one column or in the width of one column (base 8.5 cm or 17.5 cm). The desired types of drawings are: line, bar, block charts. Drawings should be provided as separate high resolution graphic files in commonly accepted formats (e.g. tiff, gif, jpg, bmp). They should not be in frames.

Before the LITERATURE, you can place thanks, information about grants, projects or scholarships under which the work was carried out, and information about financial support for the conduct of the research.

The cited literature should be placed at the end of the article, ordered in the order cited in the text and numbered consecutively. The numbers of the cited items should be in square brackets. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). In the text, reference numbers should also be entered in square brackets. Do not use so-called automatic list of cited literature. The literature should contain basic elements of the bibliographic description according to the given examples (1st book, 2nd magazine, 3. conference materials, 4. doctoral dissertation, 5. company advertising materials, 6. patent, 7. norm, 8. Journal of Laws, 9. regulation, 10th directive, 11th internet address):

[1] Luximon A .: Handbook of footwear design and manufacture. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge (2013).

[2] Aizenshtein E.M .: Polyester fibers continue to dominate on the world textile raw

materials balance sheet. Fiber Chemistry 41 (1) (2009) 1-8.

[3] Sajek A.K., Sajek A .: A title of an article published in conference proceedings.

A Title of the Conference, locality, June 20th-24th (2004) 101-105.

[4] Brzozowski R .: Study of shape selectivity in the synthesis of diisopropylnaphthalenes conducted in the presence of aluminosilicate catalysts.

PhD thesis. Institute of Industrial Chemistry, Warsaw (2001).

[5] GRYFSKAN Sp. z o.o., Hajnówka, company prospectus.

[6] Report stalemate. half. P-344 539 (2000).

[7] PN-EN ISO 20344: 2012. Personal protective equipment. Test methods for footwear.

[8] OJ 2004, No. 19, item 177.

[9] Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of June 18, 2008 in

on the implementation of certain provisions of the Act on fertilizers and fertilization.

OJ 2008, No. 119, item 765.

[10] Directive 2004/18 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004

on the coordination of procedures for the award of public contracts for works, supplies and services. OJ. EU L 134, 114.

[11], accessed March 15, 2013.

DOI: 10.14314 / polymers. 2016.031.


The name of the Author or Authors (without academic and professional titles) should be placed on the first page, under the title. The asterisk (*) should be marked with the corresponding authors, whose e-mail must be under the authors' affiliations. ORCID numbers should be placed next to the authors' names. All scientific-research and problem-review papers submitted for publication are reviewed. The Reviewer's opinion is forwarded to the Author to respond within a period not usually exceeding one month. If the work requires corrections and / or additions, the Author must enter them in no more than 1 month. Failure to return the corrected work within this period will mean publication printing at a later date. The editors reserve the right to make linguistic (stylistic) corrections and shorten articles in the event of repetitions and lengthiness.

At the time of submitting the article to the editor, the Author (Authors) should attach the publication application form available on the website, which will contain:

  • name and surname, professional and academic title,
  • name and address of the institution where the work was carried out,
  • telephone and fax numbers, work, cell phone,
  • e-mail address,
  • mailing address.